October 15 is the International Day of Rural Women
International Day of Rural Women is observed each year on October 15. The day was established by the UN General Assembly in its resolution 62/136 of 18 December 2007, and “recognizes the contribution of rural […]
International Day of the Girl Child
The International Day of the Girl is celebrated every October 11. It was established on December 19, 2011, in an effort to acknowledge the struggles that girls worldwide continue to face. It also aims to […]
A Focus On Child Mental Health
World Mental Health Day was supported on 10 October 2022. Mental health is often seen through the lens of an adult. Although this is necessary and encouraged to stimulate conversation about mental health conditions and […]
International Day of Non-Violence
Established in 2007 by the UN General Assembly, the International Day of Non-Violence is commemorated on October 2 in alignment with Mahatma Gandhi’s birthday. Gandhi was a prominent figure who famously employed non-violence to push […]
The State of Statelessness in Thailand
Of the global population, an estimated 4.2 million are stateless people. Within this group, children make up a third. The issue of statelessness is all the more pervasive in Thailand, with the country having the […]
Protecting Our Youth: Covid-19 Pandemics Toll on Children and Families
The Covid-19 pandemic has had a far-reaching effect on the lives of children and families. Confinement, concerns around sickness, financial insecurity, and lack of access to quality education have all taken their toll and disrupted […]
Food for Thought: Women and Food Insecurity
Although health experts often recommend having at least three well-rounded meals a day, an overwhelming number of people are unable to do so due to food insecurity. Defined as lacking access to enough nutritional food […]
The Victims of Fast Fashion
Where five clothing factories once operated now stood a pile of rubble, concrete slabs, and cascading fabrics. The Rana Plaza disaster on April 24, 2013, in Bangladesh, is arguably one of the most disastrous accidents […]
International Youth Day 2022
August 12 marks International Youth Day. Established on December 17, 1999, by the United Nations, the event aims to acknowledge the efforts of young individuals in working towards a more progressive future. The current theme […]
The Hidden Pandemic: The Impact of COVID-19 on Women
With the outbreak of COVID-19 came a host of changes, its threat to people’s health resulted in the death of millions, although its impacts were felt beyond the health sector. Changes were evident in the numerous […]