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Category: Human Rights

March 27, 2023

Field Stories: “I Am So Happy and I Feel Like I Have Found My Purpose”

Mrs. Achara Wang* is a 55-year-old woman living in a village in Northern Chiang Rai. She has one child, is separated from her husband, and works as a voluntary guidance teacher in a community area, […]

March 13, 2023

Earthquake Aftermath on Women and Girls in Syria and Türkiye

Disaster struck the northwest region of Syria and Southeast Türkiye on February 6, 2023. A 7.8 magnitude earthquake wreaked havoc and destruction, with over 300 aftershocks including a magnitude 6.5 earthquake on February 20. The […]

March 3, 2023

Decriminalizing Sex Work: Unpacking The Controversy

The decriminalization of sex work is a controversial topic, fraught with legal and political implications and complicated terminology. Opinions are deeply divided, especially among women’s rights advocates.  A key argument is that decriminalization would only […]

December 11, 2022

Human Rights Day, Are We Doing Enough?

International Human Rights Day is observed on December 10, and marks the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) by The United Nations General Assembly in 1948.